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3D Information Visualizing Clout of Topics via Hashtags on Instagram Platform


Information visualization,

interactive 3D visualization,

social media,

topic analysis ;

This paper intends to develop an interactive, comprehensive information visualization platform of Instagram hashtag analysis. Instagram hashtags has developed themselves into all different kinds of group or communities for users to share hobbies and find similar friends. In order to analyze topic influence and user interest trend from Instagram, which contains billions of end-users and has worldwide influence, hashtag analysis is necessary to gather such information and compare the proportion of people involving in each tags and rank them to visualize.


The visualization is developed in 3D space and consists of time-varying data flow of tags, together with tag comparison analysis, as well as event researches. In the rest of the paper, we mainly discuss the design idea and the development process of the system. An example of the system design work will be shown in the discussion, which involves 4 popular hashtags discussed on Instagram and are shown on the system, displayed as an 3D histogram, together with another comparison histogram to compare different tags, as well as an event view in the back.

Case Study Visual Effect Implementation on Life of Pi



Visual effect,

case study,

Life of Pi,

3D modeling,

CG effect,

camera tracking;

The film Life of Pi tells that young man Pi had a shipwreck and all his family lost his life. He and a Bengal tiger drifted on the lifeboat for 227 days. People and the tiger established a strange relationship and eventually defeated together and could not be reborn. The film was a huge success since it was released. The incredible fantasy visual effect was accomplished by the leadership from visual effects supervisor Bill Westenhofer from Rhythm & Hues (R&H), the top special effects studio that won the Oscar for Best Visual Effects twice. Several behind-the-scenes production techniques of the video's visual effects will be analysed in the following content.


In this paper, full-scaled visual effects implementation techniques are discussed, which will deliver deeper understandings on great special effect achievements of this movie. 

Paper Prototype Game Development Aeroplane Chess 2.0



Game Development,

paper prototype,

aeroplane chess board game;


The original version for the paper prototype. It is a casual board game on computer created by the social game company PlaySpace[1], and can switch on different play mode: single-player random matching, two-player and four-player mode. Players is required to spend virtual currency to attend a game and get more of it as long as they win, which contains the concept of gambling.


The paper prototype version of Parchís Playspace, and a casual board as well. It can only require four players with each player owns four aeroplanes and takes them as four available pawns to move on the aeroplane chessboard. However, this game do not have the concept of gambling, which means that players do not need to spend money to attend a game meanwhile do not get any money if they win.


Shooting Technique Implementation Analysis in the Movie Twilight



Shooting techniques,


visual effect,

video transition,

movie influence;

It is the first film in The Twilight Saga film series, which were adapted from the novel Twilight written by Stephenie Meyer. Following the film's success, New Moon and Eclipse, the next two novels in the series, were produced as films the following year.


In this paper, camera shooting techniques and visual effects implementations are the main thing that will be analyzed, which were classified by the following 4 aspects. 

Case Study on XML Application: System performance Comparison between Student Academic Works Preservation System and Moodle Learning System



Online Student Academic Works Preservation System, Moodle,

perception of users, efficiency,

easy to search;

The paper examined the users’ perception of Online Student Academic Works Preservation System (SAWPS) on the aspect of being more efficient and being easier to search the previous works they uploaded. This paper begins by discussion with the objectives of the research, followed by research questions, literature review, research methodologies and findings. Then the findings led to the conclusion that SAWPS is perceived more efficient and easier to search the resources than Moodle.

Website Development Using XML: Beauty Express



Website design,


beauty information website,

front-end development,

code syntax;

This application is a website with 6 webpages, which is written basing on XML technology and HTML. The design idea of this website is to make an online shop, where visitors can buy beauty products, such as makeup, skincare and hair care products. According to its function, the website is named as Beauty Express. The website is mainly full of pink color, which is in a girlish style because it is a girl’s online store.


There are 6 pages of the website, home page, makeup page, skincare page, hair page, bestselling ranking list page and the latest advertising video page.

Project report of the originally created video: Domestic Violence



Video shooting,


camera shot technique,


domestic violence,

social event

In today’s modern society, we are flooded with dozens upon dozens of social issues. From issues like racism to economic downturns, these issues occupy the newspapers and the internet every single day. In order to take a step towards changing, we need to educate the public about these issues. And one of the best ways to do this is to stir up awareness through an impactful video. Therefore, for final Audio-Visual Language project, we have been given the task to choose a social issue and film a story relating to it.


Our group chose to do on the topic of domestic violence, in which a spouse shows violence or aggressive behavior towards their partner. In our video, we wanted to show how it is like for a woman to be in an abusive relationship, how manipulative her spouse can be to keep her in this destructive relationship, and how in the end the woman is able to come to realization of how violent her husband is and call for help from a domestic abuse helpline. We hope this video will inspire many to stand up against domestic abuse and change the public perception that violence against women is supposed to be normal.

The Applications and Future of Artificial Intelligence in Farming & Agriculture



Artificial Intelligence,

agriculture implemention,

face recognition,

robot prospects,

automation system;

In the history of human beings, agriculture and farming have been through three stages: original, traditional and modern stages. To meet the urgent need of food because of population explosion, developing intelligent agriculture by making use of artificial intelligence is necessary now.


Artificial intelligence integrates network technology, wireless communication technology, internet of thing technology and other technologies, which can realize tele diagnosis, warning disaster in advance and tele controlling in agriculture. These functions can improve the efficiency and increase the yields by making the producing process efficient and standardized.


This article will discuss the technology history, technology components and disadvantages and future works of intelligent agriculture used in farming and agriculture.

Software Management Solution: Samsung Printer Arrangement Project for Sepang University



Software Management,

laser printer,


stakeholder strategy,

business proposal;




A large number of users (around 14,500) use the print devices (around 840 devices) on a daily basis, and the existing print service managed by a decentralized management system which is shared between the IT department, the Print Room, and Denko, which is their main print device supplier till now. Due to uncertainties on who should take ownership of the initiative, they were put aside the upgrade for the entire system and its services.


The business objective is to develop a whole new enhanced printing system and services that provide better user experiences. Completed software system should meet all users’ needs and satisfaction. Besides, this project aims to explore a better supplier and software engineering experts for development.

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